Sunday 31 January 2010


This is a "wordle" of my blog so far. What this site does is collects all the words that are in all the posts on my blog and collects all that data. Once it has collected all that date it then see's which is the most commonly used words and puts them into this cool looking mash up of words.

Friday 29 January 2010

Episode 2 of Lines

Here is the second episode of our web series called Lines.
In this episode we find out more about the character Seth and what is going on with him and the "agent", Taylor seems to be missing from the group. This episode is much better than the first, sound is better the camera work is better and the editing is slightly tighter but could do with a lot more improvements. Our acting is a bit better, the actors seem to be a bit more confident with themselves now which is good. But at times it does seem as though they feel awkward.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Todays Lesson

Today me and Dave decided to look at where all our views had come from and where are we reaching people since we uploaded our first episode. Youtube has a very clever tool that allows us to see how many views we have gotten and from what source those people came from and where in the world they have come from. It would normally be able to tell us the gender and age of the people looking, but not everyone has an account on youtube and ones who do don't always fill in their information.

As you can see from the image most of our views have come from facebok, looks like all our advertising and promoting on there really paid of. As at the moment we have currently got 191 views from facebook. Our second most views come from what youtube calls "First view on a channel page", from this we got 131 views. At the moment I don't currently know what this means, I think that it means people have been looking on our channel page and saw this video on their and watched it directly from the channel page itself.

Our third most hits come from what youtbe calls "Other/Viral", this is what i believe is when someone copys the videos youtube URL directly and then sends it to someone else to watch. This is quite a big number of hits from that, this could be just from us sending it to people or it could also be from other people sending it to their freinds to watch.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Episode 2 Teaser Trailer

This is the teaser trailer we had made for our second episode, this was made to keep the viewers interested because our episodes are going to be done weekly, it also keeps us on our toes so that we have something to do. This video shows how obsessed Seth is with the secret agent, revealing a bit of the storyline, but not enough to give it away. A cliffhanger

Monday 25 January 2010

Youtube feedback

This is a screenshot that I have taken from the youtube page of our first ever episode of Lines. I was getting quite excited leading up to the launch wondering how it was going to turn out. I expected for us to get atleast thrice the amount of views we got, but baring in mind we didn't advertise as much as we could we still got a fair amount. As you can see we have a mismatch of comments from viewers.

Episode 1 Feedback

Here is a list of the peer feedback we received from the class:
  • Sound levels need improving (some bits louder than others)(Mentioned 5 times)
  • CD films logo to long (Mentioned 4 times)
  • Credits are to fast at the end (Mentioned 3 times)
  • Poor acting
  • Opening sequence is to repetitive
  • Editing of the video is good & works well
  • Nice logos, they look well made and effective to the audience
  • Poorly recorded narration
  • Inappropriate music used throughout the video (including the opening sequence)
  • Camera work could be better
  • Too many cuts
  • Script is too basic
  • Poor cuts used
  • Poorly planned
  • The actors need auditions before acting in next video as they don't seem very confident in the first episode (Mentioned 3 times)
  • Catchy song works well (Mentioned 3 times)
  • The stereotypes are not clearly shown in the 1st episode
  • Need more close ups
  • Need more core content
  • Visual gags of skeleton work well
  • Need more comedy rather than drama to make it more comedic
  • Continuity issues need improving (Mentioned 3 times)

Here is the feedback we received from Pete (Teacher):
  • When the character is holding the polos, there could of been a close up
  • While I was watching the 1st episode, it felt as if I was in a theater, there needs to be more use of close ups and shot changes
  • Voice over explaining each character works well, needs to be more narration
  • Cut to show different characters
  • More planning is needed prior to next shoot (rehearsals etc) to avoid bad acting
  • High angle show works well, but panning shot doesn't work within the same shot
  • Sound levels need improving / editing
The feedback we received from both our peers and our teacher is all fair. We are going to do the following things to make sure our next episode is better. People mentioned about the script, about it not making enough sense or not being punchy (funny) enough. This time I think we will give someone else a go at writing the script see if it turns out better i', thinking either to let Dave or me or both of us give it a go. We need to make this webi-sode funny to keep our audience interested in it.
Our sound levels need change dramatically, everything is off a lot of things are louder than others a lot of other things are really quiet compared to everything else. Get actors to maybe practice more because their acting skills seem very off, people have said that they lack a lot of confidence and seem to have come unprepared. We could change the actors and do auditions again but then it would seem very weird, having new actors in the second episode.

Lines - Episode 1

This is the first episode of our webseries called Lines. Considering the time we had and the differences we had in our group we managed to do ok. I personally don't like our video, to me it lacks interest due to it not being humorous, I don't like the acting and nor do I like the shots. I think that the second episode will be alot better primarily due to experiance from first time round and having gained feedback we can refelct on it and then act on it.

Project Evaluation

My role during this project has been in marketing and advertising, as far as marketing goes we couldn't do that much it being a student film and lack of budget. As far as advertising went, I set up accounts for youtube, blogger, myspace and hotmail. I had also set up groups on facebook for our project. I was also put in charge of creating a website for our web series. I went to work after completing it and i was going to upload it as soon as I got back, when I got back I had opened my files to see the websitre half finished the files didn't save properly. This was a huge set back for me and the group as I had put alot of work into it and we as a group really needed this site. Dave decided he was going to make it in the end. The next day in class, some of our group moaned about daves website saying its lacking conent, which I have to agree with him of course it lacks content thats cos we ahvnt got any. The others in our group preferred mine even though it was only half done. But I decided that we should stick with Dave's.

On a whole I wish I could be more involved with the developing side of the project, camera, acting, editing & sound etc. Maybe when developing episode 2 and 3 I could be. For the next episode I am going to advertise this alot constantly update the facebook pages, speak to Dave about starting a mini flash game as extra content on the website, try to fill out the website. I will look for other ways of drawing in peoples attention, need to max out the audience.

Thursday 21 January 2010

What Have I Done Today?

21st January 2010

Today in class I have been writing out the shotlist for our second episode. I had started creating a shot list in lesson yesterday, but at last minute we decided to change our script and today we received the new one and then I started to create the shotlist for the new script.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Trouble in the ranks

Today in class we decided to have a little meeting between us, we realised that we all weren't getting on and we all had different views about everything. I was talking about the fact I didn't have that much work to do and how everyone seems to just shout at each other and never listen. We talked about changing director, we then decided on having a different director every episode. Dave would be the next director for episode two. By the sounds of it, we seemed to have sorted it all out.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Marketing - Merchandise


Here is a bunch of links to sites where we are marketing/advertising our show:

Facebook -
Myspace -
Twitter -
Spreadshirt -
Flickr -
Blogger -

Tuesday 12 January 2010

What I did On Monday 11th jANUARY 2010

In class I started out drawing plans on a website for our webisode called Lines. Our chairman Dave has some webspace where we can upload the ewbsite onto the internet. I have started creating the website using Macromedia Dreamweaver it is coming along nicely, I need to decide on a background with the rest of my group and then design and create it. Screenshots to be uploaded soon.

Monday 11 January 2010


We are having auditions for casting on wednesday the 13th of January and so far we have gotten a lot of interest, we have put posters around the college, We also made a facebook event in which we invited everyone we knew. Here is a link:

Friday 8 January 2010

New Crew

Dave: Chairman
Kirk: Director
Matt L: Camera Guy, Editor
Mike: Script, Casting
Tara: Marketing
Ali: Marketing
Me: Marketing, Webpage
Sam: Sound

I think that this is a great group since we have joined up we have become very productive and are getting on well and havn't argued so far.

Meeting for the show prject Friday the 8th

Our whole class got split into two groups today, we were then told that we would be making two different web-series between us I suppose this is good because it would make us strive to have our series be better than the others. Competition is what it's called, I can see this working well it will make us all strive to make our video work a lot better than the other group.

It looks like both groups are keeping the same sort of basic storyline, looks like we both have to come up with different names though.

Thursday 7 January 2010

Notes I took on wednesday 7th of January

15 to 19 target audience, facepunch and 4chan has been allowed to be used as publicising the video, but asking as /b/ isn't going to be used. Voting on the name of the show we had 8 for detention defeciet and 6 for the regulars. Need to sort this out, really needed for marketing.

Additional content, rumour of the week for each character? Escape plans and diagrams, quotes that the characters use. Character biography maybe a facebook or myspace profile for them?

Budgets for marketing and interwebz, plain white t's to use for tshirt advertisments likely to buy a bulk of eBay will be really cheap. Sticker production and poster prints.

Interwebz setup: create a faceboo, myspace, YouTube, vimeo and possibly s bebo account to help set up the basis of the video showings. Also create a website to be the base of the show this is where we will hold all information and advertising and possibly merchandise.

So The Idea

The idea for our webi-sode is that there will be 4 - 5 students who are always in detention and every episode we will include an extra student where then the story of the episode will unfold. Each episode they will all face different

Jobs For The Class

Chairmen: Alex, Tim
Creative Director: Kirk
Director: Dave
Editor: Loz
Camera: Matt L, Joe,
Sound: Phillipa, Sam
Title Sequence: Hayden, Matt H
Casting Director: Mike
Money Guy: Dave
Writers: James, Hayden, Matt H, Alex
Marketing & Interwebs: Ash (Me :D), Tara, Ali, Tim

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Part 2 of the meeting on the 6th January

After the script guys had come back from their meeting, they had decided on five characters, their names and their characteristics here they are:

caffeine addict, drinks coffee when ever he can
stressed, quite jumpy
occasionally has anxiety attacks with cause him to rash out
talks to much and talks very quickly, hard to make out at times
doesn't have a main character they talk to or discuss, talks to everyone
sonny doesn't like Keith

each episode contains a flashback of how sonny got the detention
the detention in the flashback is ridiculous
can get aggressive at times. very aggressive
each episode has a rumour about him. each rumour will be ludicrous
each rumour will have it's own nickname which sonny will react to
sonny doesn't get on will anyone really, but doesn't get on with Valerie at all

known as the great escape guy
draws up crazy schemes to escape detention, he'll always think his idea is better than going through the door
quotes prison films: the great escape,
quotes a line from shawshank redemption each episode that bugs Keith

rotten punk character, trouble maker
doesn't respond well to others being around her
she doesn't enjoy Sonny's company very much
likes getting people in trouble

Vince is a paranoid pessimistic
he talks mostly to pier, he responds badly to pier's escape plans
dismissing them as dangerous
wears a strainer on his head with tin foil to protect himself
very calm with his approach
believes spies are after him

Todays Meeting 6th January

Today in class we were split into two groups, one for marketing and advertising and the other for script writing etc. Obviously we were put into these groups because of the roles we were assigned. I was part of the marketing group, and we looked at ways we could advertise our show and if we could get any merchandise.

We decided that Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, YouTube and Vimeo would all be great places to advertise our show and to put it up for people to watch. We were also thinking of Bebo, but Bebo isn't as popular anymore though I think we will still put it up on there publicity is good, no matter how small it is right?
We had come up with the idea of creating our own website, this would be a great idea, having our own site makes us look professional and it enables us to create extra content for our audience and if we have extra conent it might become a lot more popular.

For the merchandise we thought that making t-shirts would be a great idea with the logo on the front and maybe a catchphrase on the back. Some badges would be really awesome too, we could hand them about college and to our friends and I think giving people a badge would entice them to go watch our video and or keep track of it's status on facebook.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Meeting 5th January 2010

Today the meeting was well very interesting, it was a mixture of accomplishments and complete failures. Choosing a chairman seemed to have gone very well and we managed to settle one having two in the end and I was very happy about the people who were chosen (Tim & Alex) this did take a lot of time to choose because there was a few people who wanted to be chairman. Choosing an idea of the series was a different matter, everyone had their own views on what they wanted or how some ideas should be twisted. I however am not too bothered about what is chosen, I know that I will like whatever is settled on.

We did get stopped by our Producers/Teachers (Nick & Pete) they decided to their input into what was going on, they noticed how already we decided to forget about the rule we had all settled on which was to raise your hand if you wanted to talk, and everyone would listen. I knew that it wouldn't last us being the group we are although some of the group did remain silent, I think that they felt threatened by the fact we were all shouting etc. I actually prefer the way were all doing things, everyone throwing in ideas into a mixing pool where we could then pick out and change and then also spark new ideas for ourselves. That is how I like to work, I find it easy to take in what everyone else is saying it, it helps to create a collaboration in my head and give me new ideas of my own. It seemed to have worked like that for most of the group as well, we were not arguing shouting yes but not arguing.

What Makes A MicroSeries

Most MicroSeries or webisodes are mostly comedic, all the popular ones are. Because comedy, although has always a different taste for different people, its the easiest to write for and is also the most interesting to watch.

Usually they are created by a group of friends or college kids and contain a sense of geeky or nerdy humour that is seemingly postmodern.

The storylines for them should be very clear every episode and there normally should be a goal that the main charactrs are trying to achieve every episode.

How technology has changed the way in which artists show their work

Media is a massive industry which is constantly growing in the world today, more so in the western world but becoming increasingly popular in the eastern world with technology becoming easier to get hold of mainly being the internet.

The internet has been the biggest improvment to any form of artist, and this technology is still young in my opinion we have a lot more to come from the internet in the years to come. For painters, photographers, graffiti artists, scuplters or someone who does drawings the internet has come as a savior for them. To see their work you would have to go to an art gallery or if you'relucky find a book containing their art. Until the internet came along a book would have been the most practical way to see an artist's work, now you can do a quick google search of a particlar artist and find all their work on one website.

For example if I google for Banksy I get 10,900,000 results, here is a screenshot to show you:

Straight away the first result is a bunch of images of his. Below that is his website that contains a huge collection of his images all of which you are able to download and use.
For music artists, the internet, home dj/recording equipment, personal computers and technology such as cds has made it so much easier for them to become noticed and popular. Artists/bands are now able to record themselves and upload their songs to the internet onto youtube or send it to record companys directly. CDs have made it easy for bands and artists to record their music onto and distribute them to whomever is interested and at a very cheap cost, the could also send one of these CDs to a record company. Before the internet or such modern technology, artists would only have two optosn to get noticed by record companies or to get listened to by a big group of people. That was either through a live event or on the radio, for a radio station it is all about their listeners and how popular their station is, and so because of that radio stations wouldn't play an artist that wasn't familiar. Same with live events, gigs would only hire people who they knew people would pay to come see.
Radio stations are now always on the look out for up and coming artists to play on the radio and give them a chance, and small gig venues are always hiring bands without record deals. And through this artists are more likely to get noticed by a label.
Anti-folk artist Jeffery Lewis has taken his work and mashed it together, during his live gigs he would have predrawn a comic book and whilst his music is playing he would show the coic book which hels create the story to the song. I couldn't find a live show but I found on youtube a video of him going through the comic book whilst he is singing the lyrics to the song and in the background playing on a speaker his him playing the guitar and in a way at the start of the video he is talking to the recorded version of himself.

Todays Lesson

Today our plan is to sort out who has which job and which role among us all. Once we have done this we can start organising our meetings and what we are going to do. But we before we can decide on all our roles we have to decide who is going to be our chairman, our Chairman will help keep us in order and take charge of any votes we make. We all also decided that when someone wants to talk we raise our hand and the chairman will let us talk, only one at a time to talk.

Monday 4 January 2010

What we did today

Today in class after having recieved the brief of the next project which is called "The Show Project". We were shown a few micro-series to give us an idea of waht to make and how to make it. The ones we watched were 'Living With The Infidels', 'Chad Vader', 'The Guild' and 'We Need Girlfriends'. We were shown an episode of each series, these were all very comical, The Guild seemed to lack comedy compared to the others but other than that it was still good.

This is the first episode to the web-series called Chad Vader, if you havn't watched Star Wars then it's very hard to get the jokes. This is proving that alot of the humour that web-series follow is geeky, it's because geekish humour is the most vastly popular and easily available humour there is and it's likely to grasp hold of a larger audience quickly.

Here is another series called The Guild, this follows a group of gamers who are part of a guild who play computer games together. This involves again a lot of geek humour and takes a lot fo knowledge in the internet and gaming world to get alot of the jokes. But because that world is vast and huge it is again easy to get the audience.

Living With The Infidels

This is the first episode to a webseries called Living With The Infidels, this show is about a groupd of suicide bombers on their path to paridise. The first episode is only 5 minutes long and helps to establish the characters for you.

Where Work Can Be Shown

First Lesson on the 4th January 2010

In class we had come up with a list of places that a practitioners work could be shown here is the list:

  • Internet
  • Magazines
  • Theatre
  • Concerts
  • Tv
  • Street Shows
  • Cinema
  • Posters
  • Art Gallery
  • Graffiti
  • Comic Books
  • Video Games

We have all decided to use the internet as our media to broadcast our piece of work. The reasons we chose to use the internet is because the internet is a worldwide available resource and that anyone who is connected to it can watch our video and keep track on our progress, this enables us to have a much larger audience.

What Makes A WebSeries

First Lesson on the 4th January 2010

In lesson we conjured up a list of the attributes that a webseries' seem to have and they seem to be popular so here is the list:

  • Comedic
  • Nerdy/Geeky in some way
  • Fast Paced
  • Made by a group of friends/colleagues
  • Set in a familiar/local setting
  • Lots of close ups
  • Clear Characters (Stereotypes)
  • Simple Layout
  • And a very specific sense of humour

Looking through this list it amkes it easy on how to determine how our series should be. It should be comedic and the storyline needs to about a small group of people to keep it easy and simple. We don't need to overwhelm ourselves with amazing looking camera shots.

The Brief

In Todays lesson on the 4th January 2010 we were briefed on what our next project is going to consist of. Together as a whole class we are to work on creating a mini web series and publishing it onto the internet with marketing. We had a look at 4 different webseries to give us a good idea of what it is we are to create and what sort of stuff we can use and play with in the project.
We looekd at:

Chav Vader
Living With The Infidels
We Need Girlfriends
The Guild

These webseries are much like a tv show, each episode carrys on from the last and there is a goal or a storyline for each character that continually follows on.

People Doing Shows - The Internet

Now I come onto the topic of the internet as a form of doing shows. The internet is a way to reach a vast amount of audience in a very small time frame. The difference from putting on a show on the internet compared to on the television, cinema or the theatre is that you can watch whatever you want and when you want on the internet. You can scour the internet for comedy shows, action dramas or even informative programs. And all from the comfort of your own home, granted you do not get the dramatic feel you may get from the theatre or the cinema but it's ease of use and ergonomic ability is what makes it a great format for people to publish there work.

People Doing Shows - TV

Tv has grown to become a respectable form of medium for shows, it's versatility and wide spread access make it very popular with people across the globe.

Tv is a completly different experience to the Theatre, you can watch a variety of shows from the comfort of your own living room. You are able to watch recorded shows at the theatre on your TV such as stand up comedians and even live gigs.

The experiance of a theatre is one that is completly massive and confortable, the acoustics and the whole atmospheric feel to it cannot be put into the comfort of your own home.

With television while you do have the ability to watch whatever you want,when you want (showing times do restrict this), it isn't the awe inspiring magic you get from the cinema unless you are lucky to have one of these in your house.

Why do people do shows? - Theatre

People do shows as way to express their creativity and talents to other people, the best way to express this and has been done for many years is theatre.
Theatre is a glamorous and spectacular way of performing your form of art in front a big audience, being lit by the spot light surrounded by people who have paid just to come and see you.
Performing arts in theatre can consist of my forms of arts, they consist of live bands, stand up comedy, plays and musicals.

Any show performed at a theatre needs to be thoroughly planned well in advance, it will involve numerous amounts of people. People to direct it, people to work on the lights, sound and special effects. People to set up the stages and people to organise advertisement.

The acts that are on the show need to rehearse rigorously until the final showing, the experience to performing in theatre is completely different to Television you are able to visually see the audiences reaction to your performance and this can really reflect on your attitude and performance itself.

Even in this day and age the theatre is still very popular and is still going strong when up against strong competition from easily accessible arts on TV and the Internet.

My first post :D

This is my awesome new blog for te show project :).
