Monday 4 January 2010

Why do people do shows? - Theatre

People do shows as way to express their creativity and talents to other people, the best way to express this and has been done for many years is theatre.
Theatre is a glamorous and spectacular way of performing your form of art in front a big audience, being lit by the spot light surrounded by people who have paid just to come and see you.
Performing arts in theatre can consist of my forms of arts, they consist of live bands, stand up comedy, plays and musicals.

Any show performed at a theatre needs to be thoroughly planned well in advance, it will involve numerous amounts of people. People to direct it, people to work on the lights, sound and special effects. People to set up the stages and people to organise advertisement.

The acts that are on the show need to rehearse rigorously until the final showing, the experience to performing in theatre is completely different to Television you are able to visually see the audiences reaction to your performance and this can really reflect on your attitude and performance itself.

Even in this day and age the theatre is still very popular and is still going strong when up against strong competition from easily accessible arts on TV and the Internet.

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