Wednesday 27 January 2010

Todays Lesson

Today me and Dave decided to look at where all our views had come from and where are we reaching people since we uploaded our first episode. Youtube has a very clever tool that allows us to see how many views we have gotten and from what source those people came from and where in the world they have come from. It would normally be able to tell us the gender and age of the people looking, but not everyone has an account on youtube and ones who do don't always fill in their information.

As you can see from the image most of our views have come from facebok, looks like all our advertising and promoting on there really paid of. As at the moment we have currently got 191 views from facebook. Our second most views come from what youtube calls "First view on a channel page", from this we got 131 views. At the moment I don't currently know what this means, I think that it means people have been looking on our channel page and saw this video on their and watched it directly from the channel page itself.

Our third most hits come from what youtbe calls "Other/Viral", this is what i believe is when someone copys the videos youtube URL directly and then sends it to someone else to watch. This is quite a big number of hits from that, this could be just from us sending it to people or it could also be from other people sending it to their freinds to watch.

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